we are always recruiting new members to the guild we don't have many rules or requirements but before you join here is a bit about what you should know

before requesting to join.

we are a respectful guild that being said no drama, no fighting, no violence, no over excessive rude comments to other members, no swearing at other members,

treat each member like you wish to be treated, and try to have patience for one an other.

partisipation in events is manditory, we understand you can not be involved in every single event but at least once a month one guild run should be signed up for.

we try to influence guild activity rather than a group of people doing their own thing, we want people to be social and interact with each other.

Afflicted Souls has a variety of officers and people who have helped build the guild from day one, most of us are close friends off of warcraft, that is not for every

member tho! we do prefer if members have vent as we are online in the evenings and use vent for communication.

for all raids vent is manditory no if ands or buts , as long as you can hear the instructions thats fine but it is a 100% requirement or you will not be placed

on any raid team we apologize but it is very difficult if someone cant listen and or speak during raid nights and it makes it stresful for the raid leader.


below is a link to fill out so we can also add you to the roster page as well!

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